Whatever Happened To Sin?

Whatever Happened To Sin?

1. Whatever happened to sin?
2. Whatever happened to the penalty for sin?
3. Whatever happened to the remedy for sin?
The world may be ignoring these, but they are real nonetheless!

Where has sin gone today?
 Is there anything in the world today which is considered to be sin?
 Is sin only that which we decide is sin today? (i.e., Sin is being greatly watered down these days)
 As cultures change, does sin really change?

Let’s keep teaching about sin, its penalty, and its remedy – to help those caught in the devil’s trap (like we ourselves once were)

Are all our righteous acts like filthy rags?

Are all our righteous acts like filthy rags?

(Is. 64:6, NIV)

One of the most misused, misquoted, and misunderstood Scriptures in the Bible comes from Isaiah 64:6, where Isaiah writes, “All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags …” (NIV).

  • 1. They shouldn’t be!
  • 2. Where might misunderstandings of Isaiah 64:6 have also come from?
  • 3. Can we not sin? Can we be perfect? Can our deeds be pleasing to God?
  • 4. What if we do sin?

Who did Sin that this Man was Born Blind? Pt 1


John 9:1-2 KJV

(1)  And as Jesus passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth. (2)  And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?

We Are More than Conquerors through Him who Loved Us!

  1. Victory in Christ

(i) Victory over sin

(ii) Victory over the evil one

(iii) Victory in temptation

(iv) Victory over error

(v) Victory in growth

(vi) Victory in suffering

(vii) Victory in all things

(viii) Victory even in death

  1. Our part in this victory

(i) Get into Christ

(ii) Stay in Christ

(iii) Encourage others to do (i) and (ii)

70 Sevens are Decreed

An exposition of Daniel 9:24-27

A prophecy of Jesus’ first coming, including the destruction of Jerusalem (AD 70) and the nations.