Whatever Happened To Sin?

Whatever Happened To Sin?

1. Whatever happened to sin?
2. Whatever happened to the penalty for sin?
3. Whatever happened to the remedy for sin?
The world may be ignoring these, but they are real nonetheless!

Where has sin gone today?
 Is there anything in the world today which is considered to be sin?
 Is sin only that which we decide is sin today? (i.e., Sin is being greatly watered down these days)
 As cultures change, does sin really change?

Let’s keep teaching about sin, its penalty, and its remedy – to help those caught in the devil’s trap (like we ourselves once were)

Undeniable Miracle – Persuasive Sermon!

Undeniable Miracle – Persuasive Sermon!

What another great day that must have been (like the day of Pentecost in Acts 2)!

  • Jesus was the Messiah!
    • Prophecies were fulfilled, witnesses saw him risen from the dead, and all the while the healed man is standing before them!
  • Is it any wonder that “many of those who had heard the message believed; and the number of the men came to be about five thousand” (Acts 4:4)?

Will we be persuaded today?

  • Remember: “There’s none so blind as those who will not see”! – i.e., people will not see what they are stubbornly determined to avoid seeing!

Ask for and Walk in the Ancient Paths

Ask for and Walk in the Ancient Paths

Jeremiah chapter 6

In Jeremiah’s day, the city of Jerusalem was wicked and its destruction was near – Jer. 6:6  

verse 8 God, through His prophets like Jeremiah, warned Jerusalem countless times. The solution is in verse 16.

1. Asking for the ancient paths in the time of Hezekiah

2. Asking for the ancient paths in the time of Josiah

3. Asking for the ancient paths in the time of Jeremiah

4. Asking for the ancient paths in the time of Malachi

5. Asking for the ancient paths today

Prove All things pt 3 Hold Fast that which is Good

Prove All things pt 3 Hold Fast that which is Good

You need Faith – But without faith it is impossible to please him

I Have Science

Prove All Things 1Th 5:21 KJV (21)  Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. Test, Discern, Examine

Be like the Bereans

Why should we prove all things?  

Prove All Things. Pt 1 Quench Not the Spirit 1Th 5:19

Prove All Things. Pt 1 Quench Not the Spirit 1Th 5:19

  • The Spirit
  • The Pouring out of the spirit was prophesied Joe 2:28-29 KJV
  • We receive the Spirit at water Baptism Act 2:38 KJV
  • Why do we need the Spirit? For the Apostles Joh 14:26 KJV For Us Rom 8:26 KJV
  • The Spirit Can be Taken Psa 51:11 KJV
  • Quench not
  • Stiffnecked and Rebellious from the start Deu 9:6-7 KJV
  • Surely It Changed Once in the Land Jer 5:23-31 NAS95
  • What About in Jesus day Mat 15:8-9 KJV
  • Enough is Enough Neh 9:30 KJV
  • Watch! For the Son of Man Come A Name that you Live Mat 25:1-4 KJV ( (lu17:20-21) 1Pe 4:16 NAS95 Rev 3:1 KJV
  • The Bride Groom Comes Mat 25:5-6 Heb 10:36-37 KJV
  • I know you Not Mat 25:7-13