A Trip that Changed a Life. Acts 8:26-40

A Trip that Changed a Life. Acts 8:26-40

Have you ever made a trip that changed your life completely?
 Well the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8b) did!
 He thought that he was on the road back to Ethiopia.
o Actually, he was also on the road to salvation!
 His life was completely changed (cf. Col. 1:13,14)!


Sadly today:
Today, few preachers preach Jesus as Philip did; few people obey as the man of Ethiopia did; and only those few can go their way rejoicing for exactly the same reason he did, because they have come ‘into Christ’ by the only way the Lord has commanded.
Let’s obey without delay as the eunuch did.
Let’s preach as Philip always did!
Let’s have the real joy which both the eunuch and Philip had!
Let’s think long and hard about “The Trip That Changed A Life”.

Ask for and Walk in the Ancient Paths

Ask for and Walk in the Ancient Paths

Jeremiah chapter 6

In Jeremiah’s day, the city of Jerusalem was wicked and its destruction was near – Jer. 6:6  

verse 8 God, through His prophets like Jeremiah, warned Jerusalem countless times. The solution is in verse 16.

1. Asking for the ancient paths in the time of Hezekiah

2. Asking for the ancient paths in the time of Josiah

3. Asking for the ancient paths in the time of Jeremiah

4. Asking for the ancient paths in the time of Malachi

5. Asking for the ancient paths today

Jesus’ Example of Preaching the Gospel

Jesus’ Example of Preaching the Gospel

There is no better example to study and imitate in “preaching the gospel of God” (Mk.1:14) than Jesus Christ Himself:

  • His teaching was perfect.
  • His conduct was perfect.
  • After all, He was sinless!
1.  Jesus preached in accordance with God’s expectations 
2.  Jesus preached to save the lost
3.  Jesus preached because of compassion for the lost
4.  Jesus’ conversations had a spiritual goal in mind
5.  Jesus’ preaching emphasized God’s authority
6.  Jesus preached to all kinds of sinners
7.  Jesus’ preaching was narrow
8.  Jesus preached baptism to religious people
9.  Jesus preached about commitment
10.  Jesus encouraged others to preach
11.  Jesus’ preaching did not always change lives

Once you were, but now you are – Part 1

Once you were, but now you are – Ephesians 2: Part 1

Verse 1-10: Once dead – now alive

Verses 11-22: Once strangers – now fellow citizens


  1. recognise that people are dead in sin
  2. no longer be conformed to this world
  3. always resist the devil
  4. no longer carry out the desires of the flesh
  5. always recognise God’s great love with which He loved us
  6. appreciate that we have been saved by grace through faith
  7. walk in good works

Some Things Wrong with Denominational “Baptisms”

  1. Denominational “baptisms” often involve the wrong person.
  2. Denominational “baptisms” often involve the wrong method.
  3. Denominational “baptisms” often involve the wrong purpose.
  4. Some Things Wrong with Denominational “Baptisms” – Does It Really Matter?

Seven Important Lessons from the Conversion of Saul of Tarsus

  1. Admit when we are wrong
  2. See even more evidence for faith
  3. Being a “good” person cannot save anyone
  4. Conscience can be wrong
  5. Calling on the name of the Lord is not today’s “sinner’s prayer”
  6. Even our worst sins can be forgiven
  7. Conversion is just the beginning