Category: False teachings
The Covenants
The Covenants
There is much false teaching today concerning The Covenants.
We’ll see in today’s lesson:
The old covenant began at Sinai ( 1450 BC) and ended at the death of Christ ( AD 30).
The new covenant began at the death of Christ ( AD 30) and has no end (while the earth remains).
The Jewish nation continued to exist politically until the Roman invasion and destruction of Jerusalem
in AD 70.
1. Old and New Covenants
2. Old and New High Priests
3. Old and New Laws
The old covenant was started in the time of Moses, by the offering of animal sacrifices.
The new covenant was started by the shedding of Jesus’ blood on the cross.
At that time the old covenant ended, and there was a change in God’s laws, so that we are no longer under the laws of the old covenant.
Rapture Ravings
Rapture Ravings
1. What is the supposed Rapture?
2. What is the truth about the future?
The “450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of the Asherah” (1Kgs. 18:19) failed Elijah’s challenge:
– They raved on, but there was no god and consequently no answer (1Kgs. 18:29)!
– These false prophets were put to death by Elijah (1Kgs. 18:40; 19:1).
Sadly many people today are “raving” about the so-called rapture
Recall that Jesus’ teaching on the future is easy to understand, simple, ELEMENTARY (Heb. 6:1,2):
- 4:13-18 = no rapture, but reassurance with reference to deceased Christians.
- 5:1-11 = an encouragement to remain ready.
Four Distortions of Mark 16:16
Four Distortions of Mark 16:16
Mother Nature or Father God?
Mother Nature or Father God?
Six (6) Fallacies Concerning Salvation
A fallacy = a false or mistaken idea.
Today let’s consider: Six (6) Fallacies Concerning Salvation
1. | No people will be saved |
2. | All people will be saved |
3. | All good people will be saved |
4. | All religious people will be saved |
5. | All believers in Jesus will be saved |
6. | All who are now saved will stay saved |
Lessons Learned Too Late
1st Kings 13
The man of God began with courage and devotion to God, but very sadly ended in tragedy.
Lessons to be learned:
- Religious people don’t always tell the truth.
- Sincerity alone does not make things right.
- Earlier obedience will not cover later disobedience.
- God means what He says.
The man of God learned these lessons too late to do him any good.
- Will we avoid making the same mistake he did?
A Useless Talisman
The Bronze Serpent
The Bronze Serpent
(Num. 21:4-9)
- The people became impatient and spoke against God and Moses
- The Lord sent fiery serpents; Moses interceded for the people
- At the LORD’S command Moses made a bronze serpent
- Whoever believes in Jesus will have eternal life
- We must not shrink back to destruction
In the days of those kings, God will set up a kingdom
In the days of those kings, God will set up a kingdom. Daniel chapter 2 verse 44
Daniel was carried into exile to Babylon about 605 BC (Dan. 1:1-7; 2:25b).
- Shortly after (cf. Dan. 2:1), Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had a troubling dream about the future.
- Daniel explained the dream with God’s help (Daniel 2)!