Undeniable Miracle – Persuasive Sermon!

Undeniable Miracle – Persuasive Sermon!

What another great day that must have been (like the day of Pentecost in Acts 2)!

  • Jesus was the Messiah!
    • Prophecies were fulfilled, witnesses saw him risen from the dead, and all the while the healed man is standing before them!
  • Is it any wonder that “many of those who had heard the message believed; and the number of the men came to be about five thousand” (Acts 4:4)?

Will we be persuaded today?

  • Remember: “There’s none so blind as those who will not see”! – i.e., people will not see what they are stubbornly determined to avoid seeing!

Some Highlights from the ‘Major Prophets’

Some Highlights from the ‘Major Prophets’

1.  Some highlights from the book of Isaiah


2.  Some highlights from the book of Jeremiah


3.  Some highlights from the book of Ezekiel


4.  Some highlights from the book of Daniel


Miracles of the Cross

Several miracles are recorded as having taken place around the time of the cross of Jesus.

How many of these six (6) so-called “miracles of the cross” can you name?

Jn. 20:30-31  Therefore many other signs Jesus also performed in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; 31  but these have been written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name.

Ezekiel 37

In the midst of their despair, the two halves of Ezekiel 37 contain:

  • A vision of the restoration of the nation (37:1-14), and
  • An enacted prophecy about the Messiah’s nation (37:15-28)!
  • In the explanation of these things (Ezk.37:11-14), who were represented by the bones?
  • Two sticks of Judah and Joseph demonstrating when all God’s people would be united in the Messiah’s nation!
  • David, the second king of Israel (Acts 13:21,22), had died about 400 years before the time of Ezekiel (cf. Matt.1:17). So who then is the “one shepherd” described as “My servant David”(Ezk.37:24)?
  • the “one shepherd” described as “My servant David” is David’s descendant, the Messiah(Acts 2:29-32)

What kind of covenant would be made?

  • Ezek 37:26 And I will make a covenant of peace with them; it will be an everlasting covenant with them. And I will place them and multiply them, and will set My sanctuary in their midst forever.
    • Col 1:20 and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross; through Him, whether things on earth or things in heaven.

Mary’s Song of Thanksgiving

When Mary found out that she was pregnant with God’s Son, her response is somewhat muted: “Behold, the bondslave of the Lord; may it be done to me according to your word.” Mary appears to have had concerns about the matter, and it is not until after she visits her relative Elizabeth that her concerns are allayed and she is filled with joy and thanksgiving to the Lord for the great honour that is bestowed upon her: that she should carry the Messiah in her womb.

Mary’s song traces the same thread as the songs of Hannah and David before her, marvelling at the faithfulness of God towards those who serve Him; who exalts the humble and destroys the proud and those who are wise in their own estimation.