Growing Up

Growing Up

Yes, “Christmas” is over for another year:
 The birth of Jesus was a wonderful event – but let’s not leave Jesus lying in that manger as many in the world do every “Christmas”!
 Will you let Jesus grow up, and follow Him daily for salvation?
o Or are you going to leave Him lying in that manger for another year?
Let Jesus Grow Up!


And in a few days (Lord willing) it will be New Year:
People at this time of the year are usually making “new year resolutions”!
 Let’s resolve to grow up spiritually and act like adults, not trying to return to:
o the Law of Moses,
o or to miraculous spiritual gifts,
o or to the first principles alone!
Let Us Grow Up!

A Trip that Changed a Life. Acts 8:26-40

A Trip that Changed a Life. Acts 8:26-40

Have you ever made a trip that changed your life completely?
 Well the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8b) did!
 He thought that he was on the road back to Ethiopia.
o Actually, he was also on the road to salvation!
 His life was completely changed (cf. Col. 1:13,14)!


Sadly today:
Today, few preachers preach Jesus as Philip did; few people obey as the man of Ethiopia did; and only those few can go their way rejoicing for exactly the same reason he did, because they have come ‘into Christ’ by the only way the Lord has commanded.
Let’s obey without delay as the eunuch did.
Let’s preach as Philip always did!
Let’s have the real joy which both the eunuch and Philip had!
Let’s think long and hard about “The Trip That Changed A Life”.

Whatever Happened To Sin?

Whatever Happened To Sin?

1. Whatever happened to sin?
2. Whatever happened to the penalty for sin?
3. Whatever happened to the remedy for sin?
The world may be ignoring these, but they are real nonetheless!

Where has sin gone today?
 Is there anything in the world today which is considered to be sin?
 Is sin only that which we decide is sin today? (i.e., Sin is being greatly watered down these days)
 As cultures change, does sin really change?

Let’s keep teaching about sin, its penalty, and its remedy – to help those caught in the devil’s trap (like we ourselves once were)

Undeniable Miracle – Persuasive Sermon!

Undeniable Miracle – Persuasive Sermon!

What another great day that must have been (like the day of Pentecost in Acts 2)!

  • Jesus was the Messiah!
    • Prophecies were fulfilled, witnesses saw him risen from the dead, and all the while the healed man is standing before them!
  • Is it any wonder that “many of those who had heard the message believed; and the number of the men came to be about five thousand” (Acts 4:4)?

Will we be persuaded today?

  • Remember: “There’s none so blind as those who will not see”! – i.e., people will not see what they are stubbornly determined to avoid seeing!

How to Stay Saved

How to Stay Saved

I would like to base today’s lesson on Acts 2:42 for a couple of reasons:

  1. It relates to the beginning of the kingdom/church (cf. Acts 11:15).
  2. It follows directly after the 3,000 were saved (Acts 2:37-41; note the word “saved” in v. 40).
    • e., Verse 38 = how to be saved.
    • Verse 42 = how to stay

Wisdom is not found in the land of the living!

Wisdom is not found in the land of the living!

Job 28:1-11 Job describes the exploits of miners over 3½ thousand years ago (probably)

Job 28:12-22 Even though people have been successful in mining precious metals and precious stones from the earth (recall Job 28:1-11), they have not been successful on their own in discovering what according to Job in Job 28:12?

Job 28:23-28 Don’t despair!  How are the questions asked in Job 28:12,20 answered in Job 28:23?

Jesus’ Example of Preaching the Gospel

Jesus’ Example of Preaching the Gospel

There is no better example to study and imitate in “preaching the gospel of God” (Mk.1:14) than Jesus Christ Himself:

  • His teaching was perfect.
  • His conduct was perfect.
  • After all, He was sinless!
1.  Jesus preached in accordance with God’s expectations 
2.  Jesus preached to save the lost
3.  Jesus preached because of compassion for the lost
4.  Jesus’ conversations had a spiritual goal in mind
5.  Jesus’ preaching emphasized God’s authority
6.  Jesus preached to all kinds of sinners
7.  Jesus’ preaching was narrow
8.  Jesus preached baptism to religious people
9.  Jesus preached about commitment
10.  Jesus encouraged others to preach
11.  Jesus’ preaching did not always change lives